Monday, May 25, 2009

Welcome To Our Blog!

Hello, All!

We're Shelter the Homeless International Projects, but people usually just call us "SHIP."  We are a non-profit organization based in Bryan, Texas, and we work to provide shelter to those in need.  

Our main project is an orphanage that we work with in El Salvador. About four years ago, we visited El Salvador and fell in love with the children living in this orphanage, and we just keep going back, taking food, supplies, and groups of people who want to work with children and who don't mind doing some hard manual labor.  

We're in the process of building a new orphanage in El Salvador because the current facilities are inadequate--too small for the number of children living there, a bit unsafe, and lacking the room for children to play and do their homework.  The orphanage we're currently building will have larger rooms for sleeping, a learning center, a football (soccer) field, and a garden for the children to learn about growing fruits and vegetables.

That's a little bit about us.  We'd like to use this blog to keep people updated about what we're working on and how our kids in El Salvador are doing.  So, check back with us for stories and pictures of our trips.  And, if you'd like more information about SHIP, feel free to check out our website here.  Thanks for stopping by, and God bless you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)